The activities of the economic development agency are visible in many places in the district - such as the
Center for Digitalization (ZD.BB), which supports companies in their digital transformation. Start-ups can find a single point of contact in the start-up guides, with whom appointments can be easily arranged via can be arranged. The business development agency has created the
AI xpress contact point for start-ups in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Digital business models require high-performance broadband connections, for which the Zweckverband Breitbandausbau is responsible. It coordinates fiber optic expansion in the district and advises on funding available for the expansion of telecommunications networks. By 2025, all businesses and half of private households in the region should have a fiber optic connection. Five years later, such a broadband connection should be available to 90 percent of households.
The economic development team also includes a European and funding officer, who promotes European issues and is also responsible for providing initial advice on
funding at EU, federal and state level. For his work, he can draw on the excellent networking of the business development department at EU, regional and municipal level.